Why is reading the Bible and daily devotions something important for Christians? Well the reason they are important is because we need to spend time with the Lord. Think about it this way, we spend time with those who are important to us, our significant other, friends, family. We spend time with them because we enjoy being in their company and because we want to know them better. Well this is the same reason we ought to have a daily time set aside to spend with Jesus to get to know him better. Prayer and reading the Word of God will accomplish many things in our spirits.
1. It will bring us closer to Christ
2. It will transform our hearts and minds and make us more like Jesus.
3. It will reveal the Will of God to us for our own lives.
DAILY DEVOTIONS: Week of November 11 – November 16, 2013
MONDAY: 2 Thess. 2;1-17; “And for this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they might believe what is false.”
TUESDAY: Rom. 13:1-14; “Love does no wrong to a neighbor, love therefore is the fulfillment of the law.”
WEDNESDAY: Acts 17:16-34; “The God who made the world and all things in it, since He is Lord of heaven and earth does not dwell in temples made with hands.”
THURSDAY: Prov. 25:1-28; “Like a city that is broken into and without walls, is a man who has no control over his spirit.”
FRIDAY: Num. 12:1-16; “Has the LORD indeed spoken only through Moses?” Has He not spoken through us as well?”
SATURDAY: Matt. 25:1-13; “Be on the alert then, for you do not know the day nor the hour.”