Sin & Temptation Questions – Ch. 10

TOLBC believes that growth in the Christian faith is a life-long endeavor and that one of the places it can happen best is in Sunday School class. Sunday school is important in the spiritual development of Christians. It is the only place in most churches that gives a systematic, comprehensive, complete coverage of the Word of God. Currently we are studying “Sin and Temptation” by John Owen. We invite you to join us.


Chapter 10: The Power of  Temptation (Pages 119-138)

  1. On page 119, John Owens writes, “we enter into temptation whenever we are drawn into sin, for all sin is from temptation.” Do you agree or disagree with the underlined statement? Can a person sin without been tempted?
  2. As professor emeritus, you have been invited to speak at the commencement ceremony at a seminary, what would you tell future pastors about the temptation they will face in ministry and how to avert it?
  3. In Psalm 19:13, the Scripture reads “also keep Thy servant from presumptuous sins.”What is a presumptuous sin? How can a Christian be tempted into committing a presumptuous sin? (Give at least three ways)
  4. You have a friend who is a Pastor and he wholeheartedly believes in and advocate prosperity preaching, based on your knowledge of watching against temptation, how would you convince him that his style of preaching has the tendency to “promote temptation.”
  5. Is encouraging a Christian who is struggling with low self esteem to “believe in themselves,” a prelude to temptation? How does self confidence lead to temptation?


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