Sin & Temptation Questions – Ch. 5

TOLBC believes that growth in the Christian faith is a life-long endeavor and that one of the places it can happen best is in Sunday School class. Sunday school is important in the spiritual development of Christians. It is the only place in most churches that gives a systematic, comprehensive, complete coverage of the Word of God. Currently we are studying “Sin and Temptation” by John Owen. We invite you to join us.


Chapter 5: The Conception of Indwelling Sin (Pages 65-78)

  1. Can a person sin involuntarily? John Doe sleep walks. One day during his sleep walking episode he grabs a knife, stabs his wife to death and goes back to bed completely unaware of what he had just done. Is John Dole guilty of actual sin? (What I am looking for here is a well articulated reasoning)
  2. On page 66 paragraph two John Owens writes: “No Christian will absolutely and fully consent to sin because within his will resides the principle to do good.”  Do you agree or disagree with this statement? (Please articulate your answer)
  3. Phil. 2:13 reads, “for it is God who is at work in you, both to will and work for His good pleasure.” If God is at work in us “both to will and work for His good pleasure”, why do we (Christian) still willfully consent to sin?
  4. Does God’s providential act in obstructing the power of sin infringe on human freewill?
  5. You are a theological professor at a seminary and one of your student asked this question: Where was God’s restraining grace on 9/11? Romans 1:24, 26, 28, read “God gave them over . . .” What does this mean?




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