Sunday School Questions – Topic: Numbers

TOLBC believes that growth in the Christian faith is a life-long endeavor and that one of the places it can happen best is in Sunday School class. Sunday school is important in the spiritual development of Christians. It is the only place in most churches that gives a systematic, comprehensive, complete coverage of the Word of God. Currently we are tackling difficult passages in the bible. We invite you to join us.


Tackling the Difficult Passages in the Bible- Numbers

  1. Is there a discrepancy in the age of men (levites) serving in the Tabernacle, (Num. 4:1-3 (30yrs) and Num. 8:24 (25yrs)?
  2. If (according to the traditional view) Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible (including Numbers), who wrote Num. 12:3?
  3. Was Balaam (Num. 22-22) a prophet of God?
  4. Is there a contradiction between Num. 25:9 and 1 Cor. 10:8?


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