Wisdom For Today’s Issues Questions – Pgs. 1-2

TOLBC believes that growth in the Christian faith is a life-long endeavor and that one of the places it can happen best is in Sunday School class. Sunday school is important in the spiritual development of Christians. It is the only place in most churches that gives a systematic, comprehensive, complete coverage of the Word of God. Currently we are studying “Wisdom for Today’s Issues: A Topical Arrangement of the Proverbs” by Stephen Voorwinde. We invite you to join us.


Chapter 1: Wisdom For Today’s Issues.” Pgs 1-2

  1. Using all available research tools, what is the biblical meaning of the word “abomination?”
  2. Can God declare “something” an abomination but later change His mind and approve of it?
  3. In Prov. 15:9, the Scripture reads “The way of the wicked is an abomination to the LORD,” what does this mean?
  4. What exactly is Prov. 28:9 saying?


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